Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Speak Up, Please

We live in a world that is LOUD, don't we?  So many distractions, so many things to do, so much competing for our attention.  Yet, when it comes to loving people, we tend to wanna keep quiet about it.  It's not that we don't love.  Think about it.  Just at the mention of it, many people you love came to mind.  Didn't they?  Now, ask yourself this question:  When was the last time I said or did something to or for these people that said "I love you?"  I mean, out loud. 

You probably think most of them already know it, and maybe they do.  But their world is loud, too.  It's not enough to know that you love and quietly ponder it.  That's like hoarding treasure.  A treasure that means nothing if hoarded.  It only has value when it's given.  Shared.  Spoken of.  That's when it comes alive!

Think of that list that came to your mind.  Which ones do you think need a drink from the refreshing fountain of knowing someone cares?  Find a way to let them know they came to your mind when love was mentioned.  Today.  Show them. Tell them.  Bless them.  Out Loud. 

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